Acceptance Guidelines
Thank you for your effort to keep useful items out of the landfill. Below you will find a general list of the building materials and items we accept at Matsu Valley Rebuild.
*To improve the chances of items being accepted they need to be clean and complete.*
Season of the year and current inventory may determine whether or not a donation is accepted. All items are subject to staff discretion, we cannot guarantee any item will be accepted at any time. To learn more about specific items click on the images below.

Kitchen and Bath
Landscaping and Gardening

Yes: We do accept nuts, bolts, screws, nails, washers...etc. in good condition. Door knobs, cabinet knobs and pulls, hinges, hooks, handles and anchors in good condition. We do not accept filthy or rusty hardware. No shiny brass
knobs, no keyed knobs without
Lumber and Siding

Yes: VERY CLEAN ceramic, enameled, cast iron sinks, toilets and tubs without chips or cracks. Stainless steel sinks in good shape. Shop sinks: Yes. Mirrors and medicine cabinets without cracks and in good shape. Cabinetry and vanities is good shape and countertops in good shape. Faucets, showerheads, hardware and plumbing parts in good shape. Shower surrounds, pans and inserts in good shape.
Roofing and Gutters

Seasonal! We will accept edging, weed fabric, fencing, fence posts, brick, stone, blocks...etc. in good condition during the appropriate season.

Yes: lumber and sheathing in good condition over 4' in length. Interior and exterior (new) trim in good condition. Yes: Most types of siding in good condition over 4' in length.
Windows and Doors

Yes: Unused shingles, metal and other types of roofing in good condition. Rusty metal roofing is great! Gutters, downspouts and fittings in good condition.

Yes: Power tools in good working condition. Hand tools in good condition. Safety equipment and gear in good condition.
Items not accepted

Gas powered anything
Anything with an engine
Automotive anything
Anything with asbestos
Vintage is cool. Unique is also cool. We might accept vintage and unique items even if they fall outside our acceptance guidelines. Conversely, we might refuse something perfectly reasonable because of space restrictions. Feel free to ask!
Yes: Exterior and interior doors in good condition. Doors with jambs in reasonable condition, Exterior and solid core doors without jambs and screen doors in good condition. Sliding glass doors only in great condition.
No fogged or broken glass, no
rotting wood frames.

Yes: Joint compound, mortar, adhesives and grout. We do not accept paint or hazardous materials. The Borough Landfill Hazardous Materials Department takes these items (including paint), checks them and offers them for free to the general public. If they are deemed unusable they dispose of them properly. WE DO NOT ACCEPT PAINT.

We do accept light fixtures, ceiling fans, electrical boxes, conduit, fittings, outlets, switches and more in good condition.
We are quite full of lights right now,
lights need to be complete, clean and in great shape to be considered. We are no longer
accepting fluorescent lights

Yes: We accept wood, vinyl, laminate, carpet and tile in very good condition as space permits. We do not take used carpet, used tile or badly damaged flooring. Any rolled flooring or padding must be at least 36"and 30 sq ft.